In April we celebrate school media specialists as part of National Library Week sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and observed in libraries across the country each April. Did you know, that this tradition began in the mid-1950s? At that time, research showed that Americans were spending less on books and more on radios, televisions and musical instruments. Concerned that Americans were reading less, the ALA and the American Book Publishers formed a nonprofit citizens organization called the National Book Committee in 1954. The committee's goals were ambitious. They ranged from "encouraging people to read in their increasing leisure time" to "improving incomes and health" and "developing strong and happy family life." With the cooperation of ALA and with help from the Advertising Council, the first National Library Week was observed in 1958 with the theme "Wake Up and Read!" Join us in 2023 promoting reading in our school media centers with the theme, "There's more to the Story!"